‘React is a small charity that improves the quality of life of terminally ill children cared for by financially disadvantaged families. The charity will provide any item deemed a ‘basic, essential need’, including specialist, mobility, educational and developmental equipment, as we believe every child has the right to live a life of comfort and dignity, no matter how short that life may be.
Through the generosity of The James Beattie Charitable Trust, terminally ill children living in Wolverhampton will receive urgently needed aid and equipment. We would like to thank the Trust for its compassion and support which has led to relief for so many.’
Vicky Andreas
St Luke’s House, 270 Sandycombe Road
Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3NP
Tel: +44 (0)20 8940 2575
Email: vicky@reactcharity.org
Website: www.reactcharity.org
‘Giving depth to short lives’
Charity Registration Number: 802440/SC038067