Spinal Injuries Association

Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) works to provide spinal cord injured (SCI) people and their families with the tools they need to live independent lives. Thank you to the James Beattie Charitable Trust for supporting SIA’s Peer Support Service in the West Midlands helping SCI people fulfil their potential by empowering them to rebuild their lives after injury. Our Peer Support Officer in the region is spinal cord injured himself and uses his personal experience and knowledge to provide a positive insight into life beyond injury providing practical guidance and emotional support. SIA currently has 39 spinal cord injured members living in Wolverhampton and support is delivered in Spinal Centres, Major Trauma Units, District Hospitals, including New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton and out in the community.

Trusts Co-Ordinator | Spinal Injuries Association
Tel: 01908 604191 Ext: 222 | j.neale@spinal.co.uk


SIA House, 2 Trueman Place, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2HH
Switchboard 01908 604191 | Freephone Advice Line 0800 980 0501 | Fax 01908 208547 | Website www.spinal.co.uk
Registered Charity No 1054097 | Registered Company No 1054097

Black Country Living Museum

Thank you so much to The Board of the Trustees of the James Beattie Charitable Trust for your generous support of the Museum and donation to BCLM: Forging Ahead, in particular the Elephant & Castle pub.

BCLM: Forging Ahead is a transformational project which will see us create a major new Historic Town & Industrial Area set in the 1940s-60s, dedicated learning facilities and a brand new visitor centre. This exciting project will use real things, real people and real stories

A digital drawing of the Elephant & Castle and part of the planned new Historic town

to engage and inspire visitors of all ages, to learn about the Black Country’s heritage, its impact on the world and its relevance today.

At the heart of the new Historic Town there are three key buildings from Wolverhampton; the Elephant & Castle pub, Lea Road Infant Welfare Centre and Spring Hill Post Office. These buildings will be either replicated (structure still in existence) or recreated (structure no longer exists). They will play a central role in bringing to life previously untold stories of social, cultural, commercial and industrial life in the Black Country during the 1940s-60s; celebrate the diverse yet shared heritage of our communities; and display items from our unique collection in their original settings for the first time.

I look forward to keeping the trust updated with news of the project as it develops.

With best wishes,

Sophie Howell

Development Manager

Black Country Living Museum

Mobile: 07921 439695

Phone: 0121 557 9643 (extension 242)

Email: sophie.howell@bclm.com

Web: www.bclm.com