We would like to thank The James Beattie Trust for sending Small Wonders Stay & Play Group a generous donation. Small Wonders is run entirely by a team
of over 30 dedicated volunteers and is a stay & play group in Wolverhampton which caters for 210 pre-school children & their parents/ carers each Friday. With this donation we have been able to buy a set of wooden play panels to make a role play corner. It includes a variety of windows & doorways. This has helped us to create an area for different role play e
xperiences including a doctor’s surgery, a garage, a puppet theatre, a vet’s surgery, a post office & a café. This wonderful area has really encouraged the children to take part in role play as they transform into characters like a shop keeper, customer or waiter. It is a very popular part of our session loved by the children & adults alike.

Thank you for investing in us all we are so grateful.
Kindest Regards
Helen Gamble